Monday, May 3, 2010


18 months ago I was celebrating the Presidential victory of then Senator Barack Obama, the man many millions of Americans believed would go to Washington and change the way business was done.  I am no different I drank the Kool-Aid and believed things would and could change in Washington and Senator Obama was the one who could do it, but that was 18 months ago.

To date any change that has been made has been superfluous at best and instead of a bi-partisan government working to progress our nation we have resurrected such a divide in the parties that one could say it closely resembles the division around the time of the civil war.  This is not the change I voted for and not the change I worked for.  I am at a point where I consider my hope in the republic lost.  The American promise has been continue transgressed by the hands of politicians and their big dollar donors (special interests) and yes, folks our President has special interests as well.

I once not too long ago considered myself a very supportive Democrat, however I consider myself nothing more than a frustrated American who is wondering who in Washington speaks for me and the millions of other Americans feeling the same way.   The  Democrats who have pushed forward with their agenda, which don’t get me wrong I like some of the ideas, but most of the deals have been underhanded and done solely at a partisan level .  Legislation has been rushed through just to say that it has been done instead of taking the time to thoughtfully and methodically plan and prepare for it (a problem our government has had for many years).  Maybe the Republicans can speak for me, a party who after eight years of self-destruction have become not much more than obstructionist, merely saying "No" and offering nothing close to an intelligible alternative.  Or maybe, the so called Tea Partiest, who have for one incorrectly used the name of a very patriotic American event?  These people actually scare me…not because I think they could take power, but they like any extreme leftist or rightist have been brain washed into believing many false facts and have tried to make a run on that.  I have to say none of these people speak for me and none of these people speak for America.  They speak for themselves and their own interests. I truly believe that near the end of President Clinton’s second term we entered an age of darkness in this nation and following the events of September 11th, 2001 it became much darker.

To Be Continued....

1 comment:

  1. Very truthful writing Ron, but unlike you I held out no hope for this man. The last election was an "anybody but a Republican" election much like the one that got Carter elected over Ford. The Tea Party is scary, uninformed and unguided. At this point we are down to one party. You are right the GOP just says no. It doesn't matter what the issue. The Dems would do the same if they were in the same position and have many times in the past. What we need is to get back to our root, the constitution. Start over and rid our government of lobbyist and special interest. The only way to get that done is if "We the people" educate ourselves as to what is really going on and wrest the power from the conglomerates and corporations and back to the constituents. Money and power have corrupted our current government and have for many, many years. It is time for real change and a complete overhaul. If we wait much longer it will be to late. Lets face it, everyone has an agenda and will stand behind those who share that way of thought. Our society is not so corrupt that a majority can't come up yet. Complete truth and honesty are what is lacking. If we find that one individual that carries these attributes and is willing to stick to the doctrinal statements of the constitution/bill of rights we will be on the road to recovery both economically and morally.
